I have just submitted my proposal to "Women@MIT Spring 2021 Fellowship"!

I have just submitted my research proposal, "Hacking MIT’s Diverse 'Her'story in Architecture" for Women@MIT Spring 2021 Fellowship. (11.16.2020).

For this MIT-Women Fellowship, my proposal aims to uncover how some women students at the MIT-Architecture have pushed the boundary of architecture. 

Focusing on its specific research problem, my proposal includes;

a. Major question, 

b. Research method, 

c. Summary of the plan for carrying out the project, including an estimated timeline, 

d. Summary of how this proposal intersects with my work and area of expertise, 

e. Discussion of how this project will inform a greater understanding of women in MIT-Architecture’s herstory, 

f. Dissemination of this project, its findings and new knowledge production, and 

g. Summary of how I am equipped to complete this project and what unique experience or skills I bring to it. (1900 words, with all references and notes).

With my thanks to three references who have kindly supported my proposal and application.

Ekincioglu, M., 2020, “Hacking MIT’s Diverse ‘Her’story in Architecture”, Women@MIT Spring 2021 Fellowship.

 © Meral Ekincioglu, 2020.