Digital Structures by MIT


" Automatic Path Planning Framework for Robotic Construction
2016 - present

In the design process for robotic construction, architects have increasingly powerful tools to help simulate and visualize robotic motion within a parametric design environment. However, these tools still require that designers manually “plan” for the robot, generating guiding curves for robot to follow that avoid collisions with objects in work environment. This significantly slows down the digital fabrication workflow and sometimes prohibits the materialization of design due to the intricate planning process.

This project introduces a new workflow that overcomes these limitations through an automated robotic path planning software layer linking design geometry to robotic toolpath code. The proposed framework takes input design from designers and automatically plan for robotic trajectories to carry out the task. The planning algorithm integrates planning constraints to ensure that collisions, robotic axis singularities, and other disruptions do not occur.

Related Group Members:
Yijiang Huang"

Reference and credits:, last accessed on 12.8.2020.

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