Tanja Scheffler's review on "Woman Architect" Exhibition which we organized an online panel on it. Thanks.
Thanks Tanja Scheffler for her review on "Woman architect" exhibition organized by Goethe Institute in Turkey which we organized an online panel with its curators in May 2021. This exhibition and my participation as a moderator for its online panel were great opportunity for me to extend my knowledge and perspective beyond "challenging" US horizons in the field. The "voice tone" of the exhibition and its online panel had definitely "a different" energy from the US.
For Tanja Scheffler's review on the exhibition of our online panel: Scheffler, T., 2021, "Kadin Mimar" (Woman Architect), Bauwelt, 17, pp. 6-9; https://www.bauwelt.de/das-heft/heftarchiv/Kadn-Mimar-3675858.html, last accessed on 8.19.2021.
Congrats! for Prof. Dr. Ing. Mary Pepchinski (Berlin), Prof. Dr. Ozlem Erdogdu Erkarslan (Izmir), curators of the exhibition, and everyone in this organization! It was a great opportunity for me to extend my knowledge on "diverse women architects" beyond "the challenging" US context. Looking forward to their new collaborations to open up new chapters on women architects from Germany's and Turkey's contexts.
For our online panel info: • Ekincioglu, M. (moderator), 2021, "Women in the Architecture Profession in Turkey and Germany" (Turkiye ve Almanya'da Mimarlik Mesleginde Kadinlar), online panel on the exhibition with the same title, panelists: Prof. Dr. Ing. Mary Pepchinski (Berlin), Prof. Dr. Ozlem Erdogdu Erkarslan (Izmir), curators of the exhibition, organization of the panel and exhibition by Goethe Institute Turkey, May 4th.
See, https://www.goethe.de/ins/tr/tr/kul/sup/ekt.html, last accessed on 5.4.2021.
For its record, see: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r7FiNWXW53A, last accessed on 6.5.2021.